About Beauvastgoed

Beauvastgoed is a property management company and manages residential and commercial properties. We are a professional and highly reliable party that stands for quality.

Beauvastgoed is ingeschreven in het handelsregister onder nummer 84734876.

Technical management

Our technical department is available for all maintenance issues.

They supervise renovations or major maintenance and monitor the condition of properties. They also prepare multi-year maintenance plans and annual plans.

Administrative management

Our finance department handles all financial and administrative management.

This includes collecting rent and additional charges, monitoring timely and full payment by the tenant, and administering service charges and settling with the tenant. The finance department also makes periodic reports on arrears and procedures.


Commercial management

Our commercial department takes care of everything in the field of brokerage.

This can include the delivery of properties, the drafting of lease agreements, advising the owner regarding rental fees, financial settlement with the tenant and the preparation of inspection reports.

Together we build and share connections

What began as a family business has now grown into a large team with a shared vision. We want to use our experience and expertise to make tenants' lives easier. All the necessary skills for property management and maintenance in one accessible place.

Do you have any questions?

Perhaps the correct answer is listed in the frequently asked questions. If not, please contact us.